Tuesday 6 December 2011

Day 2 (Sorta!)

Hey everybody!
Sorry for the late update as we're all so tired that we're ALL TIRED! (So tired that this statement doesn't even make sense!)
Hence, we cannot post pictures today.
To put our day simply, we SANG AND SANG AND SANG!!!!
We'll have a full update along with pictures tomorrow.
We are all fine. We look forward to tomorrow's performance in Disneyland! Nighty Night. :P

Samuel, Yi Kiat, and Natalie

Hey everybody!
Once again, sorry for the late update, but it's finally here!
So here what happened yesterday:
We woke up REALLY REALLY early so that we could go for an AWESOME breakfast!
After that, we (according to plan) went to the Museum of Science. But as it turned out, the museum was only open to kindergardens only.
So, we ended up going to take a ferry ride instead. But it was awesome anyways! :)
After that, we went to Tsuen Wan Town Hall for an acoustic sound check and  to get used to the stage there.

The harbour

A boat on the rivers :)

On the ferry....

We are going in soon
We had an amazing time after competition cause we were relieved :) Good Nite :)
Samuel,Natalie and Yi Kiat

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