Tuesday 22 November 2011

Vietnam Trip Day 3

Today was basically the day of sight-seeing for us. We went on a cruise through the Mekong River and docked on an island. The island was full of different kinds of fruits like jackfruit and water coconuts and even some exotic fruits like milk apple and water apple. The island was formed by aluvial deposits from the mountains of China.

We went on a horse carriage and a sampan. It was so exciting. After this, we went to the Benh Thanh Market to buy some souvenirs for our family and ourselves. The shopowners were very persuasive but we managed to bargain for a much lower price. After that, we went for a water puppet show. It was very interesting.

Wow, what a long bridge!

Hey look, I'm a Viet Cong!

Yo! I'm walking on a treacherous bridge!

We're on a horse carriage! Yippee!

This snake is so slimy and cute.

This is the first time I'm touching a snake.

We're posing in front of a big water puppet.

This boat is so rocky!

Guess what kind of tree is this? Dragonfruit!

We're riding on a horse named Bushy!

Eek! Get it off me!

I'm not scared of snakes!

Monday 21 November 2011

Vietnam Trip Day 2

I guess that today is the most important highlight of our trip to Vietnam. On this day, we went to the SOS Children's Village in Ho Chi Minh City to help the orphans there. It seems that they were very happy with the things they had although they were not as privileged as us. They were appreciating the simple things in life.

Sreshta's sunglasses are so fun to play with!

We are having fun playing with the orphans.

Even the teacher is playing.

We are having a tea party.

Making a shelf is hard work!

These nails are sharp!

Our shelf is finally done!

We are sorting the books out to put in the library.

We are hard-working librarians.

We are giving the souvenirs to the orphans.

Taking a photo with the orphans.

More souvenirs!

Any more souvenirs left?

This is for you.

Sorting through the library books.

Even our Vietnamese friends are helping.

Posing in front of a bust of the founder of SOS Village.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Day 1 of Vietnam trip

We are listening carefully to the history of the Cu Chi tunnels. 
I am trying so hard to fit into that small hole.
We are posing in front of the humungous tank.
We are very excited after going through the Cu Chi tunnels.
We four girls are best friends.
We are waiting for dinner whilst taking a photo.
My good friend and I before lunch.
The tour guide telling us more about the different bunkers in the Cu Chi tunnels.
This food looks delicious.
Waiting eagerly for our dinner.
I like this restaurant's food. Yippee!

Henry Park Primary School Vietnam Trip 2011 - Day 1

Time really flies, especially when we are enjoying ourselves. We have already come to the end of our first day on our trip to Vietnam. What we are going to tell you now (which is 10.09 p.m. in Vietnam).

All of us assembled at row 7 at Terminal 2 in Changi Airport. Our parents, as usual were reminding us about the do's and dont's in Vietnam. Soon enough at about 9.00 a.m. Singapore time, we were on SQ 172 on our way to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.

We went for lunch at a Halal Satay restaurant before travelling to the Cu Chi tunnels. These 250 km underground tunnels once used by the Vietnamese guerillas during the war are now opened to the public. A guided tour of the tunnels makes a better understanding of the tactics used by the Viet Cong during the war.
Some of us were scared while others were excited. That was truly a memorable experience.

8 brave Henry Park pupils holding this year's banner!
"Ooooooh I'm so excited!"
Smile before the camera and say cheese!
Our flight to Vietnam. Looks cool doesn't it?
I want to take a picture of my lunch. Where is it?
Taking a picture after the meal. 
Getting my camera ready for photo-taking.
By: Surya Varma
Arnest Lim