Tuesday 22 November 2011

Vietnam Trip Day 3

Today was basically the day of sight-seeing for us. We went on a cruise through the Mekong River and docked on an island. The island was full of different kinds of fruits like jackfruit and water coconuts and even some exotic fruits like milk apple and water apple. The island was formed by aluvial deposits from the mountains of China.

We went on a horse carriage and a sampan. It was so exciting. After this, we went to the Benh Thanh Market to buy some souvenirs for our family and ourselves. The shopowners were very persuasive but we managed to bargain for a much lower price. After that, we went for a water puppet show. It was very interesting.

Wow, what a long bridge!

Hey look, I'm a Viet Cong!

Yo! I'm walking on a treacherous bridge!

We're on a horse carriage! Yippee!

This snake is so slimy and cute.

This is the first time I'm touching a snake.

We're posing in front of a big water puppet.

This boat is so rocky!

Guess what kind of tree is this? Dragonfruit!

We're riding on a horse named Bushy!

Eek! Get it off me!

I'm not scared of snakes!

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