Sunday 20 November 2011

Henry Park Primary School Vietnam Trip 2011 - Day 1

Time really flies, especially when we are enjoying ourselves. We have already come to the end of our first day on our trip to Vietnam. What we are going to tell you now (which is 10.09 p.m. in Vietnam).

All of us assembled at row 7 at Terminal 2 in Changi Airport. Our parents, as usual were reminding us about the do's and dont's in Vietnam. Soon enough at about 9.00 a.m. Singapore time, we were on SQ 172 on our way to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.

We went for lunch at a Halal Satay restaurant before travelling to the Cu Chi tunnels. These 250 km underground tunnels once used by the Vietnamese guerillas during the war are now opened to the public. A guided tour of the tunnels makes a better understanding of the tactics used by the Viet Cong during the war.
Some of us were scared while others were excited. That was truly a memorable experience.

8 brave Henry Park pupils holding this year's banner!
"Ooooooh I'm so excited!"
Smile before the camera and say cheese!
Our flight to Vietnam. Looks cool doesn't it?
I want to take a picture of my lunch. Where is it?
Taking a picture after the meal. 
Getting my camera ready for photo-taking.
By: Surya Varma
Arnest Lim

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ms Kerina and Mdm Zhang

    Thank you for accompanying the pupils on this wonderful trip. Looks like they are having a great time. Do send my regards to Zaahida. Hope she is doing fine. Once again thank you and have a pleasant journey.

    Mrs Jalil
